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字幕条短视频 2022年05月28日 10:15 777 admin

Marketing Stratage, the actions that applied to implement an overall planning and arrangement on futrue marketing,which based on an objective analysis and research on marketing inside and outside environment in;这些中国品牌能够拥有国际知名度,得到海外消费者的认可,和企业在当地进行的一系列本土化营销策略有关,其中广告翻译必定起着关键的因素广告是民族文化与语言文字的统一体,广告翻译是语言翻译和文化翻译的结合体准确的广告翻译除了遵循语言。

传统促销方法traditional promotional methods 营销策略marketing strategy 3,电子银行electronic bank 家庭银行home bank 支付账单pay bills 私人网络private network 金融机构financial institutions 银行服务bankin;Finally, on the basis of analysing Cocacola#39s marketing mix strategy and combined with China#39s national conditions, this article proposes some suggestions aiming at Chinese entprises。


quotThrough products, markets, channels, marketing strategies and other effective means, and gradually achieve its brand marketingquot。



管理学当中有 Marketing strategies 和 Marketing tactics 之分 说白了,strategy是目标,tactic是方法因为翻译不同,所以冒出来许多说法,其实根本就这两个。


Abstract Key words WTO Accession, Retail Industry, Marketing Stratery 可以参考WTO中国工作组关于中国入世报告英文shtml。




Comarketing study Google翻译,仅供参考。

development of the key link产品生命周期的营销策略管理作为营销管理的基础问题也越来越体现其重要性,文章通过论述产品生命周期各阶段的营销策略,分析了在营销管理工作中对产品生命周期管理的必要性以及相关注意事项The produ。


翻译成英文,谢谢了 食品行业新产品上市的营销策略研究食品行业food bussiness 新产品 New products 上市 Stock Market 营销策略 Marketing。

The socalled marketing strategy Marketing Strategy is the enterprise to identify, analyze and select marketing opportunities in order to achieve the corporate mission and objectives of the management process, that。

还有国际营销在我国企业的运用情况,分析了中国中小型民型企业在国际营销中存在的问题,指出了入世后中国企业国际市场营销应对策略以及实施过程关键字 国际营销营销策略产品组合 Abstract After china entered into world。

1I don#39t think so, for known brand like BMW which covering almost all nations and regions of world and featuring for luxury and nobility, the promotion program should uniformed in terms of time, ways and。

标签: 营销策略英语


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