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字幕条短视频 2022年08月14日 13:12 615 admin










Dear XXX,

Wishing you have the most beautiful days there~ my friend, (^_^)∠※ (符号表情包的艺术:良好的沟通氛围可以很好地解除客户的抗拒,注意客户反应,合理使用,循序渐进原则,从普通的开始,看客户的回应,避免客户反感,时刻维护沟通中的安全感。并尝试缔结更深层次的关系。)

I’m delighted to tell you that you have been our customer for XX years! (for a whole year)

Thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage and always treasure loyal customers like you.


In the special time of coming Xmas and the new year 2022. Today our company held a “Start-month Meeting” for Dec, 2021, you know to both get a bigger sales and to help our potential、common customer and VIP customers with a promotion. (或SVIP - 超级VIP客户,根据实际情况调整)

In this special promotion time, I would definitely try my best to ask for the most favorable policies for you. So I can take this opportunity to thank you for choosing and trusting me. I am so proud to have satisfied client like you and look forward to many years of working together, and I wish I could do everything that I am capable of for sure. ~@^_^@~ (表达真诚与帮助客户的努力: 根据实际来调整,和团队共创,针对不同类型的客户,设置不同的话术,切记不要完全复制!

中道思维:表情包怎么使用?大客户也用?表情包是不是很LOW?可以做一个调整,根据客户的性格。不是要不要用的问题,而是如何合理使用的问题!先使用常规的,再根据和客户的沟通、反馈、性格来调整。用和不用那是二分法思维,哲学的思维就是永远使用三分法。 因为道是不断变化的,唯一不变的就是变化!

What I got for you for backing me up: (I can say these are really not easy for us!) (利他思维:客户帮助我们能得到什么?可以做一些顶层设计,方便业务谈单。真正的利他就是:比客户还要懂客户,那么就看我们)

1) All the XXX(产品) will be checked on XXXXXX 100% to ensure the function and quality, with zero complaints.

2) Priority for the leading time. It will need more than 50 days for your order, but if you pay

us the full payment we can

let the leading time be less than one month although the "Dual Control of Energy

Consumption" policy.

3) Develop some new free designs of XXX samples for your reference within this order.

... ...


  1. 可结合公司的营销策略做一些顶层设计, 附上公司的营销图片:PK的图片+活动的告示
  2. 营销的核心思维是:自他兼利,利他为先。




In order to giving back to all our customers, who supported us and will support us in "September Purchase Festival", we would sincerely like to share with you for the following preferential policies and services:

1) 优惠一: XXX 常规优惠(无门槛优惠券、新人优惠券等)

2) 优惠二: 券的海报可以这样设计的同时。(这样的优惠券可以设置成叠加绑定后期几个订单的优惠券形式。所以可以把金额设大一点。可以用小字在右下角框里面的就可以了。可以设计多一些面额供业务选用,并注明使用时间。)

3) 优惠三: 再结合使用 Get sample with 1 USD only instead of XX USD original.

4) 优惠三: 再结合使用 买多少送多少、优惠绑定后期的几个订单、限时限量秒杀优惠买赠常见组合拳等。

5) 不仅是降价,也可以是品质和服务的升级和周边新品附赠开发等。

6) 帮助客户做相关促销方案和支持。(文案、图片、视频、话术等,对终端客户进行宣传和回馈。)



To protect the interests of customers, our company will refund 100% to you for any orders placed within 1st Dec - 30th Dec.

(PS: 100% money back guarantee if orders are canceled for any reason.) Of course, this can definitely help you get better promotion and spend less money. (抗拒解除:解除客户最主要的疑虑)

To put it simply, our company hopes to do a mutually beneficial and win-win long term cooperation with our customers. To give our customers the best support: SMALL PROFITS BUT BIGGER TURNOVER, and a great branding activity for both of us.

I believe that life and business are the same: We sometimes need Mutual Support and Help from friends. I am really grateful for offering any favor from you this time, and much appreciated if you can offer any comment or any further feedback, so we can have a chance to work better and closer together to grasp the rare promotion opportunity in this special hot-selling marketing time. (价值交换思维 + 互利共赢思维前面我们表现了帮助客户的努力, 这个可以顺理成章地提出客户回馈我们的要求。)

Looking forward to your comment and earlier reply on this activity, my friend~

Take care in this special pandemic period & all the blessings to you and yours. (表达感恩+有爱精神:良好的祝愿!)

Many thanks and sunny regards from Xxx(名字), XXX factory (或XXX Company ). (有温度的收尾感谢!~)

With heart,[心]

Yours faithfully,


PS: 以下内容作为促单、逼单的选项参考,根据实际情况、不同的客户进行话术增减和调整:

  1. I don't want to sound pushy but I would love to remind you and keep you posted about the cost. It's better to decide soon as the material is undergoing major fluctuations. Though we have tried hard to keep our quotation down, we are afraid the margin for keeping on going like this will not long. (综合:可能要涨价 We may be forced to get the price rised to US$XX/pc for XXX pcs.)(阐述说明并暗示情况:把情况说明清楚很重要!- 若有证据更好)
  2. I am so worried about the cost of raw materials is going up recently, we’d advise you to place your order without delay since the material cost will increase so much near the end of the year according to our experience of high tide of orders before Xmas holiday and in this special pandemic and "Energy control policy" period . (理由1: 节前需求爆增和原材料爆涨, 避害
  3. In order to get this order confirmed with best price. So we would like to expedite with only 20% deposit to start your order. (理由2:减少订金, 趋利, 你可以和客户说一下,我向公司申请了更低的定金比例。I'm trying to apply for lower deposit of 25% for you which is US$XXX... 这个主要是表达一下诚意,你可以降低一点。因为这个是目前客户最担心的。或者你用其他的理由说可以,帮他优先安排交期。主要是表达我们向公司努力为他争取, 用这种“人情思维”来催单,是催单最为常见的方法。 )




关注“中道外贸笔记” ,[灵光一闪] 分享讲深度不马虎,[狗头]







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